October 22, 2024

Smink és szépség blog hétfői szavazás, vol. 663

have a relaxed day, my friend!

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a neve, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a kis kattintás gombokkal. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). Szeretem a válaszokat olvasni, és segít nekem, hogy jó kezdetre kapjam a hétemet.

1. Black or white nail polish?

Opaque white on short nails.

2. Bagels or cinnamon buns?

Team #allthecarbs, so both?! but if I haaaaave to choose one…I’ll go with a freshly baked cinnamon bun made of scratch, because nobody has time for bullsh*t cinnamon buns.


3. how good are you at vehicle parking vehicles?

Pretty good, I think, considering that I don’t drive as much as I used to. Also, for the record, I’m decent at parallel vehicle parking (even on hills!).

However, one vehicle parking skill I’ve yet to master is being able to back into vehicle parking spots, which I’d love to be able to do so I could just drive straight out. It’s terrific for fairground vehicle parking lots and stadiums.

Hmm… maybe that will be my next thing to learn!


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

4. eyeliner or mascara?


5. foundation or concealer?


6. have you ever had a snake as a pet?

Dehogy. I’ve been lucky enough to care for many different animals in my time, but I’ve never had a pet snake. I’ve just never made a strong connection with a reptile… Plus, I can’t see myself feeding a snake without low-key freaking out every time!

7. Hair perfume or body spray?


8. Bralettes — love ’em or leave ’em?

SZERETEM ŐKET. What’s a real bra, anyway?

9. The next holiday you’re looking forward to?

Valentine’s Day, because 1) I don’t have to make a meal, and 2) obscene amounts of chocolate!

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,



P.S. Íme a kérdések a válaszok másolására / beillesztésére egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszélj.

1. Black or white nail polish?
2. Bagels or cinnamon buns?
3. how good are you at vehicle parking vehicles?
4. eyeliner or mascara?
5. foundation or concealer?
6. have you ever had a snake as a pet?
7. Hair perfume or body spray?
8. Bralettes — love ’em or leave ’em?
9. The next holiday you’re looking forward to?

P.P… hello and happy Monday, sweet friend. Here’s to hoping for a calm, relaxed day. I also hope you get to spend some time outdoors with nature, but just in case you can’t, the following video is for you.?

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