October 22, 2024

Smink és szépség blog hétfői szavazás, vol. 675

There’s so much good stuff waiting for you

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a neve, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a kis kattintás gombokkal. Ez csak öt vagy kevesebb véletlenszerű kérdések listája, amelyeket hétfőn reggel küldtem ezen a blogon az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta). Szeretem a válaszokat olvasni, és segít nekem, hogy jó kezdetre kapjam a hétemet.

1. Tea or coffee?

Ma? Coffee…ideally something that’s not too strong, because I don’t want to be shaking all day long.

2. Netflix marathon or a book?

Normally, I’d say a book, but I’ve been so tired lately that I’m going to go with the Netflix marathon.


3. Podcast or music?


4. stay up late or wake up early?

This answer has clearly changed over the years, but nowadays I’d rather wake up early, but that is only assuming I can have lots of coffee first thing in the morning; otherwise, I’m useless, man.

5. jeans or leggings?

Much as I love the comfort of leggings, I’m going to have to go with jeans at this point of the pandemic… I’m much more productive when I’m not dressed in pajama-like clothing all day long.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. Sweatshirt or t-shirt?

Póló. I’ll take a white cotton v-neck please.

7. Brow pencil or lip pencil?

Brow pencil all the way now, but if this were 1995 we were talking about, there would be no question about it — lip pencil. MAC Mahogany was my love back then!

8. Gerbera daisies or a succulent?

I’ll take the gerberas please.

9. Mud mask or sheet mask?

A moisturizing sheet mask would be lovely right meow.

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,


P.S. Íme a kérdések a válaszok másolására / beillesztésére egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszélj.

1. Tea or coffee?
2. Netflix marathon or a book?
3. Podcast or music?
4. stay up late or wake up early?
5. jeans or leggings?
6. Sweatshirt or t-shirt?
7. Brow pencil or lip pencil?
8. Gerbera daisies or a succulent?
9. Mud mask or sheet mask?


P.P… good morning, stunning girl. So here we are — another Monday and another fresh start. Doesn’t a clean slate feel good? I know it does on my end, for sure. I want you to know that I’m so proud of all the progress you’ve made so far. even if it’s slow progress, it’s *still* progress.

I’ve come across a tip that’s been helping me a lot lately. here it is: if there’s a task you’ve been putting off for whatever reason — and in my case, it’s cleaning out my office (yes, I know, eternally broken record) — then do just five minutes of that task. Then, spend the next five minutes doing something you enjoy. keep alternating the “not so fun” with the “fun” tasks in five-minute increments.

Next thing you know, you’ll have made real progress. try it this week!

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