March 15, 2025

Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 389

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Nos, nem pontosan szavazás. Sokkal inkább egy rendszeresen fejlődő (devering?), Kissé véletlenszerű kérdések listája, amelyeket az elmúlt hét évben hétfőn reggel elolvasztottam az olvasóknak. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

White nail polish or black nail polish?
OK, how about white polish for my fingers, and black nail polish for my toes? and while we’re at it, can I just say how awesome it is to have white nail polish as a real option? — because waaaaay back in the day I’d resort to painting my nails with White Out.

Yeah, ew.

Probably wasn’t the healthiest thing to use, and to be honest, it wasn’t very attractive either, but we were kids being kids!

Last appeal get you made based on a friend’s recommendation?
There’ve been a couple. yesterday at Ulta with my favorite appeal enabler, Marisol, I grabbed a bottle of Garnier’s clean + Nourishing Cleansing Oil, which she highly recommended. My cheeks have been crazy dry lately, and she has dry skin too and loves the stuff, so I made a decision to give it a whirl. I also picked up Sally Hansen’s nail Nutrition green Tea + Bamboo nail Strengthener on her recommendation, because when I pointed out that my nails have been splitting (boo!), she said it helped hers a lot.

Yellow gold, white gold or rose gold?
Yellow gold…with rose gold being a close second.

How often do you wear suits?
These days, never. I think the last time I wore a suit was around 2005 for a job interview. I wore black suits when I worked in a law firm because they were easy and brainless (just add shirt!). I also think that suits helped me look a little older and a lot more mature (and not an intern), which, believe it or not, was a problem I used to have (but these days, that’s soooo not an issue, LOL!).

I still have and wear those same black suit jackets on occasion, like with skinny jeans, a white tee and gold jewelry. I like that combo.

Do you spend a lot more time on your makeup or on your hair?
My makeup, definitely. With my hair, I try to do the bare minimum, which indicates styling it on the first day after a wash (usually with a curling iron, which takes me about half an hour), and then just brushing it through and using dry shampoo on the roots, which takes less than five minutes, on the days until the next time I wash it.

If I’ll be taking pics or doing a video, my makeup normally takes longer than usual, too, but I can normally do it in 30 minutes if I’m really pressed for time and rushing. It can take an hour or longer for a lot more complicated looks. If I’m just doing makeup to run an errand or meet a friend for coffee, though, that’s normally takes about 15-20 minutes.


Te jössz. Csak másoljon és illessze be a következő kérdéseket egy megjegyzésre a válaszokkal. Bízom benne, hogy elolvasom az “em!

1. White nail polish or black nail polish?
2. Last appeal get you made based on a friend’s recommendation?
3. Yellow gold, white gold or rose gold?
4. how often do you wear suits?
5. Do you spend a lot more time on your makeup or on your hair?


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Hey, sweet girl! delighted Labor Day to ya. I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend.

I got to sleep in a few minutes this morning, but Tabs has me on the clock today… You know how it is with international kitty supermodels — you’re always on call, LOL!

Nem igazán. I’m trying to finish the few things on my to-do list early because it’s meant to hit the mid-90s here today, and homegirl needs to be out of her office by 3 p.m. at the latest, lest she melt.

Kívánj szerencsét!


You have a stunning Monday, ‘k?

A barátságos környéki fellebbezési addict,


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