October 22, 2024

Smink és Charm Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 604

Float like a butterfly…

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Kiváló kérdés! Ez nem, szemben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a kis kattintás gombokkal. Ez csak öt vagy kevesebb véletlenszerű kérdések listája, amelyeket hétfőn reggel küldtem ezen a blogon az elmúlt évadi években (2007 óta). Szeretem a válaszokat olvasni, és segít nekem, hogy jó kezdetre kapjam a hétemet.

1. What’s your morning grooming routine as of late?

First things first: completely late Monday Poll today, I know! It’s been one of those days!

So, I splash hella cold water on my face, and yes, it’s a little uncomfortable, to say the least, but it immediately wakes me up (and I need all the help I can get).

Then comes the typical slew of face potions, followed by body lotion on my limbs.

Next, after I finish about an hour of morning maintenance tasks, blogging, writing, etc., I’ll do my makeup, and then my hair last.

Oh — and kinda-sorta off topic, but I’ve been doing 5-minute makeup a lot lately, and Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood flawless Filter has been my workhorse! I’m thinking of getting another bottle at the Sephora holiday sale happening now (along with a few other CT things… She’s been my everything lately).

2. candy canes or hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate with milk. Ideally, not *too* sweet, either.

3. What shoes are you typically wearing on a common weekday?

Some version of the Nike Winflo Zoom… Peep these hot pink ones I want to treat myself to!

4. What kind of bed do you prefer?

I like my beds firm with a slightly squishy mattress, a few down pillows that adhere to the shape of my head (but not so numerous pillows that they cover the entire bed), and sheets and blankets that feel cool and soft on my skin.

I also like to make the bed first thing in the morning… It doesn’t have to have medical facility corners or anything, but I if I don’t do the bed best away in the morning, I feel disheveled whenever I walk into the szoba.

5. favorite reindeer?

Rudolph, obvs, because I love stories about outsiders who triumph against all odds in the end!

Feeling all the big feelings

The big news around our house this weekend (’cause I live with a toddler!) was that we went to see Frozen 2 for the second time in two weeks…and ya know what? I liked it even much more than I did the first time around.

I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say that I thoroughly delighted in it. It’s one of those animated films you can completely view and appreciate as an adult. It has those layers.

Themes include self-discovery, learning from mistakes, making challenging choices that involve sacrifice, handling sorrow and heartache, and DUDE — I left the theater feeling all the big feels.


Watch it if you haven’t already! I’m pretty sure you’ll love it.

Boldog hétfőt. Did you day get off to a good start?

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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P.S. Íme a kérdések a válaszok másolására / beillesztésére egy megjegyzésben. speak with ya soon.

1. What’s your morning grooming routine?
2. candy canes or hot chocolate?
3. What shoe are you typically wearing?
4. What kind of bed do you prefer?
5. favorite reindeer?

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